swgoodies pharma

Email: swgoodies@cyberfear.com | Telegram: t.me/swgoodies

How to order

We have currently disabled the shopping cart to avoid any potential security problems or inactivity issues. Always make sure that the vendor you are ordering from is currently active..
If you would like to place an order send us a message on Telegram at t.me/swgoodies or at our email, session, threema with the following details:

– products and quantities you want to order
– country of destination
– preferred cryptocurrency for payment (BTC, XMR, ETH, LTC)

Shipping options:

– Tracked to Spain (post package, signature, 2/3 days) – 5 euro
– Tracked to EU/UK/CH (post package, signature, 4/9 days) – 15 euro

Refund/reship policy:

We offer a full reship or a 50% refund in case of seizure or loss of parcel. We consider a parcel lost when it has been in transit for more than 20 working days. Working days don’t include the weekend or national holidays. Returned packages due to incorrect shipping details or for not being picked up at pick-up points will not be reshipped or refunded. Don’t use fake names.